Legal Guidance
Need legal help? If you have a personal legal issue, you can schedule a basic legal consultation at our clinic. Please note that investment, business, and professional matters are not included in our legal guidance programmes.
Legal guidance for community organisations is available.
I am a member of

General Public

If you’re facing legal issues and have never sought legal advice or can’t afford a lawyer, you can schedule a free basic legal guidance appointment at our online or selected physical clinics. The clinics are open from Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays and eves). You can find the location of physical clinics on the map below. During the appointment, you’ll receive one-on-one legal guidance for 20 minutes.
You must register before scheduling an appointment at our legal clinics. To register, please fill out the registration form below:
Registration Information:
You are required to provide basic information at the point of registration:
- Personal details:
- Name
- Citizenship
- Date of Birth
- Marital Status
- Income
- Residential Address
- Contact Information
- Any relevant court dates and deadlines – e.g. hearing dates
- The name of any adverse party (e.g. employer, spouse, landlord, tenant, etc)
- Dates of any agreements, contracts and duration of events such as:
- Length of marriage
- Dates of employment
- Number of months in default
- The Factual background of the issue, such as:
- Amount of debt/loan
- Damages/injuries suffered
- Type of property & ownership (e.g. HDB, jointly owned);
- A detailed description of issue
- For Divorce matters:
- The number of children
- Custody arrangements
- Maintenance agreements
- Division of matrimonial assets
- Details of how each party has contributed to the household
- If it is a Muslim marriage.
- If either or both spouses are foreigners or have spent time overseas, please also include citizenship and visa status, where you got married, where they have lived since then and whether they have been living together continuously, as well as how long each has lived in Singapore.
You may also be required to provide:
- Copies of contracts, agreements, correspondence, and written evidence.
- Copies of Writs served, court orders made, and police reports.
After registering, an appointment will be arranged for you to meet one of our lawyers at a legal clinic. Please be prepared that there may be a 1 to 2-week waiting time, so do have alternative dates in mind when arranging an appointment.
Pro Bono SG's Legal Clinics
You can meet at our physical locations shown below, or by video conference on the other days.
North West CDC
1st & 3rd Mondays (7:30 pm - 9:30 pm)
South East CDC
1st & 3rd Tuesdays (7:00 pm - 9:00 pm)
South West CDC
1st & 3rd Wednesdays (7:00 pm - 9:00 pm)
Central Singapore CDC
1st & 3rd Thursdays (7:00 pm - 9:00 pm)
North East CDC
1st Fridays (7:30 pm - 9:30 pm)
Access the list of legal clinics in Singapore here or on the map below.
Information is accurate as of May 2023. For the most updated information, please contact the clinic directly.

Migrant Worker Community

Have a problem? / কোনো সমস্যা আছে? / एक समस्या है? / ஒரு பிரச்சனை இருக்கிறதா?
Talk to a lawyer for free. / বিনামূল্যে একজন আইনজীবীর সাথে কথা বলুন। / मुफ्त में एक वकील से बात करें। / ஒரு வழக்கறிஞரிடம் இலவசமாகப் பேசுங்கள்.
Registration Information:
Location: Angullia Mosque, 265 Serangoon Rd, Singapore 218099
Date/Time:2nd and 4th Sundays of every month, 10am-12.30pm (starting 27 March 2022)
You can also walk into Angullia Mosque during the legal clinic to register. / আপনি ক্লিনিকে গিয়েও নিবন্ধন করতে পারেন। / आप क्लिनिक में जाकर भी पंजीकरण कर सकते हैं। / கிளினிக்கிற்குள் வந்தும் நீங்கள் பதிவு செய்யலாம்.
You may download the posters here for more information (Bengali, Tamil, English).
Brought to you by Pro Bono SG in partnership with Angullia Mosque.

Community Organisation

Local or international community organisations (charities, non-profit organisations, and social enterprises) in Singapore seeking legal guidance on community matters or corporate non-litigation issues can register for a free 45-minute legal consultation. Contact us today!
More Information:
Other than a consultation for legal guidance, we also have other schemes and resources to help your organisation make sense of the law, stay legally compliant, and achieve good governance.
- Visit our YouTube page to watch recorded webinars on various topics that may be useful to your community organisation.
- For Singapore Charities interested in improving governance and employment practices, check out the following free publications:
- If you require more legal assistance, eligible community organisations in Singapore with an objective to meet community concerns or needs may be matched with:
- Corporate Law (e.g. advice on contracts with suppliers, indemnity agreements for corporate sponsors, drafting pledges for donors);
- Employment Law (e.g. drafting or reviewing employment contracts);
- Intellectual Property Law (e.g. advice on copyright, data protection, website use);
- Property Law (e.g. lease terms); and
- Other legal matters not involving court litigation advice or representation.
Law firms that provide pro bono legal advice and/or services for corporate non-litigation matters/transactions. If the match is successful, the legal services include:Successful applicants will work directly with the law firm assigned. All legal matters of the community organisation are handled in professional confidence by the volunteer law firm.
Please write to us at for more information.

A Transnational Family

If you are a foreigner with at least 1 Singaporean/PR in your family and are facing these challenges, you are eligible for support*:
- The cost for foreign students is too high!
- How do I stay in Singapore? My ICA Application is rejected.
- I can’t go to the doctor when I’m sick.
- How can I train/study and get a job on LTVP?
The Transnational Family Care Centre can help!
*Assistance and representation are subject to assessment.
Registration Information:
Transnational Family Care Centre @ Blk 5 Delta Avenue
Location: South Central Community Family Care Centre, Blk 5 Delta Avenue, #01-09, Singapore 150050
Our Social Workers & Community Lawyers can help with:
- Education Cost
- Healthcare Access
- Immigration Matters
- Divorce Matters
- Employment/Job training
- Housing
- and more…
Brought to you by Pro Bono SG and South Central Community Family Care Centre.